Monday, 28 June 2010

Leaping Uphill

Today I started late as I had to go and buy another cycle helmet. Fortunately there was a Tesco Superstore in Dingwall and for the princley sum of £8.99 I was back on the road. The road of course was uphill, but the payback were the great views. This is looking over the Dornoch Firth towards Bonar Bridge.

I haven't seen one of these for a long time. Apparently there are only 20 or so left in the country.

We had been recommended to stop at Shin Falls, because of the homemade Bannoffee pie, which was delicious. This tourist attraction is owned by the Phoney Pharaoh himself. I was so lucky to be able to get my photo taken with him!

Despite the tackiness of the statue it is actually a really nice place and it was a real treat to see salmon leaping up the falls. I was quite chuffed to have managed to catch a picture of one.

After leaving Shin we had a long ride over some very desolate moorland. With 975 miles on the clock I had my first puncture, but I was very fortunate that the support van came along just as I was removing my rear wheel. I am pictured here with Geoff, who then answered his phone and left Tony the picture taker to help me (thanks Tony). After a few minutes I was back on the road only to get another puncture about 6 miles later. After my fall yesterday I figured that this third incident was my last bit of bad luck

After stopping briefly at the Crask Inn, which must be one of the most remote pubs in the UK, I realised that I was due to complete 1,000 miles. Dave, one of my fellow riders had ridden with me for the last few miles so he could take this picture as I crossed the line

Our final destination for the day was Bettyhill on the North Scottish coast. You can see the lovely sandy beach on the left. You can also also see that the sun was coming out as we rode into the campsite.

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